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Writer's pictureSaint Paul's Vergennes

Interim Pastor Letter to St. Paul's

Dear Ones in Christ,

This is another day, O Lord. I know not what it will bring forth, but make me ready, Lord, for whatever it may be. If I am to stand up, help me stand bravely. If am to sit still, help me to sit quietly. If I am to lie low, help me to do it patiently. And if I am to do nothing, let me do it gallantly. Make these words more than words, and give me the Spirit of Jesus. Amen. (1979 Book of Common Prayer, BCP, p. 461)

This is one my favorite prayers. Even though it comes from “Prayers for use by a Sick Person”, its words have fed me through all sorts of times.

The prayer is a reminder of God’s generous presence in every moment…no matter what it looks like. One can even do nothing gallantly! Fun Fact: It is the only prayer in our BCP where we personally bid, “give me the Spirit of Jesus”. The Spirit of Jesus is indeed with you every step of the way.

In the midst of all you are doing for families, friends and neighbors, I want to share some updates and opportunities.

Opportunities to Virtually Gather Together Regularly via Zoom (on computer or by telephone), as the people of St. Paul’s, Vergennes. The schedule offers you flexibility. We’ll end in time for those who want to join Bp. Shannon’s Evening Prayer, or on Sunday, to join the Washington National Cathedral Holy Eucharist.

Fellowship Café - Wednesday’s 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. & Sunday’s 9:30 - 10:30 a.m.

  • Bring your favorite cuppa

  • Time of fellowship, faith & fun

  • Join anytime. Leave anytime

  • Time to check in, “see” friends, learn of needs, explore our faith…

  • We’ll begin with prayer, check in and go from there

  • Your ideas are requested!

  • This is an experiment! Give it a try with me! It’s new for me too!

(Or dial by phone +1-646-558-8656, code: 857303408#)


Wednesday afternoon meeting with Bishop Shannon MacVean-Brown: this will be a weekly conversation with the clergy of the Episcopal Church in Vermont via Zoom. This week we learned we 1) must close our buildings entirely; 2) in-person visits only to anoint the dying; 3) cannot worship in person; 4) virtual possibilities are being explored

for Holy Week and Easter services; 5) Bp. Shannon encouraged us to be present through prayer, phone calls and social media; 6) reminded to turn down the heat in the church (thanks Cricket!)

Holy Week/Easter: It is a hard pill to swallow, but we will not be together in our buildings to walk through Holy Week and celebrate Easter. And there are new opportunities before us! One idea for Palm Sunday is to make palms available outside the church doors for you (and the wider community) to pick up. Other ideas are being explored for specific online offerings. We also imagined celebrating Easter on the actual date as well as a grand celebration on that first Sunday when we can all return to our church buildings. What are your ideas?

Vestry Meeting: Tuesday, March 24 @ 6:30 via Zoom.

Prayer Resources:

Way of Love - SSJE:

National Cathedral:

Take Care & Be In Touch: Let us pray for one another…daily! Drink in God’s Creation through a window or on a walk. Be still. Be in touch.

You can reach me via email or cell phone: or (802) 591-1265.

As we navigate this time of anxiety, challenge, uncertainty, opportunity and surprises, may we do it together: bravely, quietly, patiently, gallantly with trust, faith and the Spirit of Jesus.

With Soap & Love,


The Rev. Sherry Osborn (she, her, hers)

Interim Pastor

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