Christmas Eve service
December 24, 4:00pm
Please join us for a very special (virtual) Christmas Eve service live streamed from our beautiful sanctuary!
Our service will begin with festive Christmas carols played on our organ by Judy - mute and sing along at home!
Then we will continue with an evening service for Christmas, a sacred Agape meal and candle lighting.
Please download the service bulletin here:
And download the song sheets for the service here:
Join the service by computer via Zoom using this link:
Or by telephone using this phone number and access code:
646-558-8656, code: 857303408#
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Christmas Day service
December 25, 9:30am
A simple service of prayers for Christmas morn.
Please join the service by computer via Zoom using this link:
Or by telephone using this number and code:
646-558-8656, code: 857303408#
Very nice blog you have here