Sherry Osborn, Interim Pastor
Rebecca Chauvin, Sr. Warden

Dear beloved members of our St. Paul’s Community in Vergennes,
The last 48 hours have been a whirlwind of information, conversations, prayers, plans, new information and consultations. As we navigate this ever-changing landscape of the corona virus outbreak, the clergy and Vestry of St. Paul's are working to create and implement practices that will keep our community safe. The health and safety of us all is our first priority. Therefore, our plan for the next three weeks include:
1) We will suspend worship at St. Paul’s beginning this Sunday, March 15 until further notice. Our hope and prayer is that we will be able to gather for Palm Sunday, April 5. But time will tell.
2) In the meantime, you might take the opportunity to worship on Sunday via live broadcasts of a “virtual” service. One possibility is from the Washington National Cathedral broadcast at 11:15 a.m. online at either or their Facebook page.
3) We will suspend all other events for the time being. Specifically, Morning Prayer training, and “get to know you” walk with Sherry.
4) The Vestry meeting scheduled for Tuesday, March 17 will be rescheduled. This will give us time to coordinate a virtual/online way for the Vestry to meet. We hope to meet in a week or two.
5) All programs in the parish hall will be canceled with the exception of AA as they have their own protocols. Cleaning and disinfecting will continue in the parish hall.
6) In times of crisis, we must call on our best selves to do all that we possibly can to support one other. If you know someone who is self-isolating during this time, please give them a call and let them know that you are thinking of them.
7) In addition: we are working to create a phone tree so that we can be in touch with one another; additional cleaning of all surfaces; investigating how we can gather virtually with the home bound and as a community.
8) Giving Options: Even as we suspend services our expenses continue. Here are ways to give: write a check and send to St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 6 Park St., Vergennes, VT 05491. Our treasurer, John Stroup, is looking into online giving. Stay tuned for updates.
The great irony of this time of anxiety and uncertainty is that being together is what many of us need most yet we are asked to distance ourselves from one another. We will work together to plan on praying together and supporting one another in other ways. In this spirit, if you know of someone who is self-isolating during this time, please give them a call and let them know that you are thinking of them.
We want to hear your ideas, needs and recommendations. Rebecca Chauvin, Sr. Warden: 802-578-7312 or; or Rev. Sherry Osborn, Interim Pastor:
As we learn more, we will update our plan. Please check your email, the website: or our Facebook Group for any notices of emergency cancellations.
Prayer For People Facing Uncertainty
God of the present moment, God who in Jesus stills the storm and soothes the frantic heart; bring hope and courage to us all as we wait in uncertainty. Bring hope that you will make us the equal of whatever lies ahead. Bring us courage to endure what cannot be avoided, for your will is health and wholeness; you are God, and we need you.” May it be so!
(excerpt From: “A New Zealand Prayer Book.”)
Peace and blessings,
Sherry Osborn, Interim Pastor
Rebecca Chauvin, Sr. Warden