by St. Paul's Sunday School
As we described in our last update, we are focusing this year's Sunday school on how to understand and then live the promises in the baptismal covenant.
For our first unit, the children first decided that they wanted to work on the following: "Will you strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being?"
We spent several weeks discussing what all those words meant and then deciding on a project that would embody this promise.
To choose a service learning project:
We reviewed ideas from the previous classes and the kids voted on the initiative they would concentrate on by placing a 'dot' next to the community project they wanted to
The children decided that providing coats and clothing to people in need would be a way to respect the dignity of the people in our community.
We discussed the specifics of how we would create a coat drive:
Everyone agreed that coat drive would include winter gear like sweaters, hats and mittens - so we'll call it a 'Winter Clothing Drive'.
How we'll collect the winter clothes and where and how we'll distribute the winter clothes to the community:
Diane Merrill offered to have Hollyhocks be a drop off location (thanks, Diane!). We also decided to prepare a bin for the narthex of our church. The Bixby library will be a drop-off as well.
We discussed the designs for our bins and flyers, and we decorated a bin for our church and placed in the narthex - and announced out that we will also be a collection site!
During announcements the kids wanted to let church know to bring in clothes for our drop-off bin in the narthex.
We discussed how we'd distribute the winter clothing to our community:
Lee and Judy agreed to have the Vergennes Food Shelf serve as the primary distribution site.
They plan on making the winter clothing available to the community on a schedule throughout the winter months.
Winter Clothing Drive details:
Drop-off locations (kids are exploring other locations):
St. Paul's Church Narthex
Now until December 28
How Community will benefit:
Vergennes Food Shelf will distribute throughout the winter months (thanks Judy and Lee!)