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St. Paul's Sunday School Organizes Fundraiser to Benefit John Graham Shelter in Vergennes, Vermont

by St. Paul's Sunday School Kids

The kids at St. Paul's organized and collected money during the offering throughout the spring and summer

This past spring and summer, the children of St. Paul's organized a fundraiser and collected a number of items for two families who were living at the John Graham Shelter, including diapers, clothes, and toys.

The kids kept a chart to keep track of the items they planned to purchase for the families at the John Graham Shelter

They also collected monetary donations that they used to purchase a number of items as well as gift cards to local businesses so that the families could purchase items that they needed.

Henry and Maddie deliver the toys and other items to the John Graham Shelter

The kids spearheaded the project, used a budget to purchase items at Kinney's, and organized all the items for each child in the two families. 

From the folks at the John Graham Shelter: "Thank you to everyone in the Sunday School at St Paul's Episcopal Church in Vergennes for the gift certificates and beautiful gifts. We are so grateful for their kindness and generosity!"

Through this activity of fundraising, the kids learned first-hand about our ministry of outreach that we hold so dear at St. Paul's, and how that ministry can make a difference in our community.

Check out the John Graham Shelter Facebook post for more info.

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