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Writer's pictureSaint Paul's Vergennes

Fellowship Café Meetings

Updated: Mar 13, 2021

Please join us Sundays at 9:30 am and Wednesdays at 7:00 pm for prayer and fellowship!

  • Time of fellowship, faith & fun

  • Join anytime. Leave anytime

  • Time to check in, “see” friends, learn of needs, explore our faith…

  • We’ll begin with prayer, check in and go from there

(Or dial by phone +1-646-558-8656, code: 857303408#)

Contact Rebecca or Sherry for password


NERVOUS ABOUT ZOOM MEETINGS? This is “Zoom for Dummies” (Like me!) 1. You can join via computer, smart phone or even landline telephone! 2. To join a meeting from your ordinary phone, dial the phone number and enter the meeting ID number which will be given to you by the meeting leader. (You will get audio only.) 3. To join a meeting from your “smart” phone or computer click on the link that you get from an email or text message. You can then see everyone except those with landline phones, or those who turn off their videos.

a. There are buttons where you can choose to turn your camera or your microphone on and off.

b. You should generally choose mute for the microphone.  On the computer, if you want to talk, just hold down the space bar to unmute yourself, and keep it down until you are finished talking. When you release it, you will automatically be muted again.

c. On the computer, you can also make comments by using the “Chat” button, which will open a window where you can type comments for others to see.  You can only see others’ chat comments if you also click your chat button, which you can leave open for the duration of the session.

d. This chat feature is especially valuable if you don’t want others in your household to hear what you are sharing!

4. Don’t worry, you can join a zoom meeting after it’s started.

5. For experiential learners, be not afraid! Once you join the meeting, it will begin to make sense. The Rev. Sherry Osborn (she/her/hers) Interim Pastor St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Vergennes, VT

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